NEW PRODUCT: Multiwash PRO Battery – click here to find out more!
Equipped with powerful suction and high filtration, these machines are the perfect solution for daily cleaning.
"The [Multiwash] machines allow us to cover a larger floor space, replacing the need for mopping in some areas and helping improve the standards of floors…"Birmingham Hospitals
"The Truvox Orbis UHS delivers a great finish and is superb for our needs. The entrance hall gets more traffic than you would takes a good machine to maintain a high gloss…"Spring Grove House, Midlands Safari Park
"We were so delighted when we were offered the Multiwash II machine, and it really has made a significant difference. I can now rest assured that we can take our cleaning regime to another level…"Vincent Sherard-Bornshin, Chief Executive Officer of RSPCA Bury, Oldham & District
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